

Don't forget to hover the images!

I- Start on Stample.

1. Sign up on Stample

2. Personalize the website design

You can chose among four layouts for your stamples. To change from the initial Timeline, click on on the top of the right corner of your screen:

Personlize webdesign

3. Personalize your account and chose the default language.

Click on the button with your initials at the top-right of the screen. Then, this window appears:


Then click on settings and you'll see:


To change your profile picture, click on the link Change your profile picture. Then click on the avatar and upload the image or photo that you love. Once you have chosen a picture, validate and close the window.


To change language into French, go back to previous window and click on the tab Language


II- Extract information from a Website.

1. Install the clipper

Click on your profile picture at the top-right on the screen (see the previous part) and then on Settings. Click on the tab Install the Clipper.

Install Clipper

Depending on your browser, install the expansion created for Chrome Chrome Firefox Firefox or Safari Safari.

If you use Firefox or Safari, it's super easy! To install the clipper, you just have to drag and drop the blue triangle into your bookmarks (in Firefox the toolbar is right under the browser URL-input):


If you use Chrome, there's a few more steps than for Firefox or Safari, but the clipper can be installed in less than a minute.

After having clicked on "Install the clipping extension (Chrome only)", a new tab appears:


Click on "Add to Chrome". A new window will appear and ask for a confirmation, click on add.

2. Use the clipper with Chrome.

You've done the hardest part! Now you just have to navigate on the Internet. When you find an article that interest you, you can save it on Stample. To do that, click on the button Clipper that is installed on the top-right corner of your screen:


Title: change it to what ever you feel like.

Add a key insight: Add a brief summary of your stample.

@Mention & comment: @Mary means that Mary will be informed that you have created this stample.

#hastag: adding keywords will enable you to easily sort and find your stamples that contains the desired hashtag.

You can chose among “Visual bookmark”, “Selection” or “Screen capture”. Visual bookmarktakes a photo of the page you are on. Selection enables you to take a specific part of the page that interest you. The text can be modified in the stample. As opposed to Screen capture which enables you to take the part you like, but does not allow you to modify the text after

To file your stample in the appropriate space, click on My Spaces. Then, use the arrows to file the document in its proper place. Finally, click on Save.

Saving the Clip

3. Use the clipper with Firefox and Safari.

To see the clipper, click on your Favorites, then on the little black triangle (see Part 1). Then, the same tab that was presented to you for Chrome opens. To help you to file it, you can read the previous part.

4. Find information on Stample.

Option 1 – You can write a keyword on the search bar. In the example, we are looking for the painting The School of Athens we just saved.

Saving the Clip

Option 2 – Hover the mouse over Menu at the top-left of your screen. The window below opens. Let us find again the painting The School of Athens. It is filed in My Spaces (your private library). To open it, click on the arrow >. Then you will arrive to your personal files that you created.

Saving the Clip

Find an url link on a stample - The URL link is on the down-left of the Stample.

Saving the Clip

III- Upload a document on Stample.

1. Drag and Drop

Select a file and drag it into the blue arrow that just appeared on your screen. Release the file into the big blue arrow.

Uploading file

2. Create a stample manually.

Option 1 – On all the pages of your library, you will find Write... on the top-left corner of the library. Clicking on that opens up an empty Stamp, waiting for you to transform it into wonderful data. Then you just have to file it where ever you wish.

Create new Stamp

Option 2 - You can also open a new window by clicking on New, located on top of the screen next to the search bar. Write your stample and validate. You can insert images, videos and/or attach files:

Saving the Clip

To see how you can file and organize your stample at best, you can jump to the part “Create powerful stamples”

IV- Organize your own library on Stample.

1. Create files and subfolders.

To create a folder, hover the mouse over Menu in the top-left corner of the screen without clicking. Then, open My Spaces and click on the icon Subfolder to create a new folder.


The window Create a new space opens. File it and validate by clicking on Create.

Create Subfolder

To find your folder, go back to the left column and open My Spaces. Click on the name to open the folder.

To find a subfolder, click on the arrow of the folder and then click on the name of the subfolder. To create a subfolder, you just have to go to a folder and to create a new folder inside it.

2. Modify, move or delete a file.

You can test these interactions with the file named My First Space. It has been created by default.

To take an action on a folder, first open it (click on the name of the folder, not on the arrow). On the right column, you can see the name and the description of the folder. Click on the three little dots:

Edit stamp

3. Modify, move or delete a Stample.

Click on the three little dots, at the down-right side of a stample (the button turns from grey to blue when we hover it). The window below opens:

Edit stamp

When you click on Edit, the stample opens on a new page. You can modify it and save the modifications. Click on the X to quit.

Edit stamp

V- Manage a shared library and create communities.

1. Share a file from your own library.

Open a desired space. On the right hand side- click on Share:

Delete stamp

The window below that contains your contacts, opens. Click on the contact with whom you want to share the space with. Then, tick the right box and Close. If the person is not yet registered on Stample, or isn't part of your contacts yet, you can Invite people by email.

Edit stamp

2. Create a community.

If sharing a space enables some of your contacts to read and modify a folder you had created before, creating a community means you will create a new space. Contrary to your personal library, it will be collaborative.

If you aren't on your homepage yet, click on the Menu (the top-left corner of your screen). Then, hover over the same icon with your mouse, without clicking. Instead of going in My Spaces, click on the arrow > of Communities.


Click then on Subfolder. Write the name and the description of the community so that the other members understand the meaning your new community.

Create Community

Finally, click on add memebers in the right column to register new members.

Create Community

3. Interact with the community.

Comment on a stample – To complete, question or interact with a stample created by your peers, click on Comment. Then you can write a message. Do not forget to Save.


Write a Stample – If you want to share an idea you can create stamples in the community space. Just like when you write stamples in your private library.

Get informed – The right column gives you information on the community, it's characteristics and the members. Like in other spaces, you can see the number of stamples, folders and the hashtags. These hashtags enable you to make a search by progressively deepen your research.


4. Use Stample as a project managment tool.

As Stample enables teamwork and the share of knowledge, it is easy to use Stample as an original management tool. To begin with, the simplest is to create a community with all the people involved in the project. The useful documents, ideas or remarks from each member are gathered in Stample. So, people can think together on common projects, deepening each idea or proposing a new one to the team. To help you, we have created reminders so you can schedule the reading of a stample. Stample also enable you to @mention people. So, with Stample, you can manage ideas, documents, people and time.

At last, soon you will be able to sell your works on Stample.

All of these functionalities are explained in this FAQ.

VI- Create powerful Stamples.

1. Resort to # and @.

When you create stamples, add #keywords. Thanks to them, you will accede quickly to themes linked to your research. In our example that you can see bottom right in the picture below , you see stamples categorized by the hashtag “#France”.


When you write a stample or a commentary, using @name enables you to mention this contact. The user immediately receives a notification.


2. Adjusting stamples (highlight, bookmark).

Begin with editing your stample, then highlight the part of the stample you want to work with.

Edit stamp

to add stample's to favorites, click on Heart.

3. Use the reminders.

To create a reminder, click on Reminder. It enables you to schedule the reading of a stample which helps you to keep track on important things.

Action Bar

A window opens. You can choose the day when you want to re-read this stample. You will be informed with a notification.


4. File the requested fields.


Take the time to write a title and a summary considerably facilitate you to find and understand your stample in your library.

If you want to add an image, a video or a document, click on one of the icons in the horizontal bar.

VII- Create powerful Stamples.


1. The search bar (1).

It works like every research bar on the web. You just have to find the right keywords.

2. The tree structure search (2).

It enables you to find your spaces in the folders where there were created. To open a folder and see the subfolders, click on the arrow. To reach to the stamples of a (sub)folder, click on the name this file (here: on Music, Literature or Plastic Arts). Clicking on the Menu at the top-left on your screen brings you go back on the homepage (which contains all the stamples you can see).

3. The cloud ideas search (3).

The #Keywords written in each stample are registered in the right hand side column. They enable you to make a research by beginning with one keyword and then to progressively refine your request. In our example, we can click first on #France”. We will reach through all the stamples of the folder we are in which deal with French works or biographies. Then, clicking on #poem gives you access to all of the French poems/poets. When you're not entirely sure about what document you need, this way of sorting through information can be very powerful. It is also another way to select the documents you need without depending on the tree structure.

4. What is an unlinear document?

First, let’s begin with the definition of a linear document. It is the document we are used to read: books, pdf etc. We have to read it from the beginning to the end, in a linear way. Thus, the chapter 2 inevitably comes after the chapter 1.

The study reports and the specialized publications have increased exponentially. So, it is always more complicated to reach to the piece of information we need in the all document.

An unlinear document is a solution to the densification of contents. Diversified research tools (the research bar, the classic table of contents or the cloud ideas research) enable us to find the information we need in a state-of-the-art work or even in traditional books like a treaty of philosophy.

Contact us

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You can also send us feedback on Stample: click on your profile picture (on the top-right of your screen), then on Feedback.